
Amazing things happen when we get together.

Help Us Grow Through eGiving!

Electronic giving is a convenient, easy solution when you don’t have
cash or a checkbook.
• Give in the moment with a fast, one-time donation
• Schedule and manage recurring donations
• Pay for events and activities using your debit/credit card or
banking information

About Vanco

Vanco is trusted by more than 22,000 churches to provide eGiving solutions that allow members and visitors to give how and when they want.  Vanco also maintains the highest level of PCI-compliance to ensure the security of donations and payments processed through any of our eGiving tools.”


Start Here:



  • CHECK – place your check (payable to First Parish Church) in the plate during a church service OR mail to the church – Attn: Treasurer, P.O. Box 1764, Duxbury, MA 02331. A note in the memo line stating “pledge” is helpful!


  • AUTOMATIC PAYMENTS – A great way to pay toward your commitment is by setting up automatic payment through your own bank account (this costs the church little and provides steady income year-round). You can do that yourself through your bank or we can set up automatic withdrawals for you. Automatic credit card withdrawals can also be arranged.


  • CASH – To have cash contributions applied toward your pledge, please place the cash in an envelope and mark with your name. Place the envelope in the plate or give to Lenore at the church office.

Planned Giving

Remembering the church in your will is a special way to show your support for First Parish Church. The Elder Brewster Society honors members and friends who have made a bequest to the Church.